Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dear God, Help me to stand out...even if it means Standing Alone.

"Self-Reliance is the acceptance and recognition of the fact that each individual is responsible for their own financial,spiritual, and political well-being. As a principle,self-reliance is closely related to the principles of agency and accountability, and opposite to the idea that someone else is responsible for a person's well being. It is the recognition that one can only reap where they have sown and that the spirit of entitlement is the spirit of selfishness and pride." -American Foundations-Bro. Eric Waltz

Marion G. Romney has said: "Let us work for what we need. Let us be self-reliant and independent. Salvation can be obtained on no other principle. Salvation is an individual matter, and we must work out our own salvation in temporal as well as in spiritual things."

As my first semester of growth is coming to an end, I ponder and realize how wonderful it has been for me. Although, It was very hard for me to leave the comfort of my home, and live somewhere much much colder then I thought, and be alone doing it, I have grown. I do not have that same reliance on my family as I was had. I know they support me and want the best for me, but I've learned how to make decisions without their aid in my life. It has helped me learn to rely on myself as well as my Heavenly Father. Even though I may have felt alone this semester, I never really was because I always had prayer. And prayer is a pretty powerful thing, let me tell you!!  I put these two quotes on this to reference back to because I find that in order to be completely self reliant, one has to have a reliance on prayer.  To be self-reliant, is to be alone, as characterized by our society. I however have found myself to be much more reliant when I rely on my relationship with my Heavenly Father. It is so important to have a relationship with God, on so many levels, as well as knowing Jesus Christ. They true-ly want the absolute best for you, just as your family does! So don't kick them out when they come knocking, and do not, I repeat, do not be afraid to open your heart to their guidance in your life. They love you, and want you to succeed in all your endeavors you try! :)  Headed Home for the Holidays, So may you all travel home in safety and have no harm come to you :) Happy Weekend!

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