Sunday, December 9, 2012

Biggest Enemy or Biggest Supporter ?

This weekend has been one of realization,disappointment, and accomplishment. As I have to come find out, there are good people on this earth, there are misunderstand people, there are happy and kind people. But no matter who these people are, or where they have come from they are sons and daughters of a royal birth. Some are much easier to love..  Some are easier to get along with. Some you butt heads with like no tomorrow. Through every struggle with these different relationships I've come to see that as long as you have that eternal perspective in your heart nothing else should deter your objectives.
    I became so mad at a friend that I was willing to disrupt the spirit during church. After doing so, I felt justified by me doing so. As I walked home enraged I was thinking I had every right to be upset. After all, I never get mad, so I had the right to every now and then. I came home to find my mother had posted some new family pictures.. I smiled knowing that no matter where I was I knew that my family supports me and loves me. But as I continued to look and ponder, I remembered times where I was mad at my siblings or even my parents.. and some how I always seemed to come through. This really helped change my mind frame..
   I decided to change my attitude and try to be a much better person then I was acting. As I did so things began to work better.. more smoothly, more easy.  By the end of Sunday night, I was happy again, and no longer agitated with my friend, or myself. After talking with this friend, things began to be shaped back into the way they were. Things always do have a way of working themselves out.
 I think this experience helped me to be able to stand my own ground.. but also humbled me to know  its okay to not be stubborn. I know in my mission I will have so many different people that will be an influence in my life and it is up to me to say more generous and thoughtful things, then hurtful ones, even when I feel I may be right in my own way. This weekend was an interesting one for sure... Happy Monday everyone!

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